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The cogspace package allows to reproduce and reuse the multi-study task functional MRI decoding models presented in this preprint paper. Meaningful multi-study task-optimized networks can be downloaded here in Nifti format, and visualized here along with associated tags.

A new decoding approach

Our multi-study decoding model decodes mental states from statistical maps using a three-layer linear model that finds successive representations of brain maps that carry cognitive information. It finds task-optimized networks from which decoding generalize well across subjects.

Three-layer decoding model

This approach allows to transfer cognitive information from one task fMRI study to another, and significantly increases decoding accuracy for many studies.

Quantitative improvements

It also finds meaningful cognitive directions, readily associated to the labels they encourage to classify.

Meaningful cognitive directions

Downloading multi-study task optimized networks

Our approach allows to find functional networks optimized for general decoding. These networks can be reused in new studies for dimension reduction, with an expected boost in performance. Components trained on 35 studies (in compressed Nifti image format) can be found here.

Task/network correspondance

The typical tasks associated with each of these components can be visualized with word-clouds, as exemplified below.


Cogspaces is tested with Python 3.6+.


git clone
cd cogspaces
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

Training and using multi-study models

exps/ allows to train and analyse multi-study models.

cd exps
usage: [-h] [-e {logistic,multi_study,ensemble}] [-s SEED] [-p]
                [-j N_JOBS]

Perform traininig of a multi-study model using the fetchers provided by
cogspaces. Hyperparameters can be edited in the file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e {logistic,multi_study,ensemble}, --estimator {logistic,multi_study,ensemble}
                        estimator type
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Integer to use to seed the model and half-split cross-
  -p, --plot            Plot the results (classification maps, cognitive
  -j N_JOBS, --n_jobs N_JOBS
                        Number of CPUs to use

The estimators 'ensemble' and 'multi-study' use the models of the paper. The 'ensemble' estimator yields interpretable intermediary representations but is more costly to estimate.

A comparison grid between the factored model and decoding models from resting-state loadings can be run and analyzed with the following command:

cd exps
# Plot results

Note that the original figure of the paper compares the multi-study decoder to voxelwise, single-study decoder. As the input data for this baseline is large and requires to be downloaded and processed, we propose to reproduce a comparison with only reduced data as input.

Reduction of full statistical maps into data usable in can be performed with the command:

cd exps

Once obtained, a voxelwise decoder can be trained by changing the parameter config['data']['reduced'] = True in


Please check the docstrings in the package for a description of the API. In particular, the core scikit-learn like estimators are located in cogspaces.classification. Feel free to raise any issue on [github]

Further data

We provide resting-state dictionaries for reducing statistical maps (the first layer of the model), as well as the reduced representation of the input statistical maps, and fetchers for the full statistical maps.

Resting-state dictionaries

The dictionaries extracted from HCP900 resting-state data can be download running

from cogspaces.datasets import fetch_dictionaries

dictionaries = fetch_dictionaries()
# dictionaries = {'components_64': ...}

They were obtained using the modl package. They may also be downloaded manually

Reduced representation of the 35 studies

The loadings of the z-statistic maps over the 453-components dictionary can be loaded running

from cogspaces.datasets import load_reduced_loadings

Xs, ys = load_reduced_loadings()
# {'archi': np.array(...), 'hcp': np.array(...)}
# {'archi': pd.DataFrame}, ...)
# ['study', 'subject', 'task', 'contrast']

The full statistical maps are available on Neurovault, and may be downloaded using

from cogspaces.datasets import fetch_contrasts

df = fetch_contrasts('archi')
# ['z_map', 'study', 'subject', 'task', 'contrast']
df = fetch_contrasts('all')


Library and models are published under the Modified BSD License.


If the model or data proved useful, please consider to cite the following paper